Men’s Breakfast March 8: Men, please join us for fellowship and encouragement over a meal prepared by fellow men. Sign up HERE.
Fellowship Sundays (former Carpet/Lawn Days) happens the 4th Sunday of each month and is a time for the church body to eat, fellowship and play games! This is a Bring Your Own Picnic (BYOP) with desserts provided by our Fellowship Team. RSVP for desserts HERE. Fellowship Sunday runs from 11am-2pm to accommodate both services.
PCA’s Geneva – Relief Fund: As part of our calling and ongoing commitment to mercy ministry offered in Jesus’ name (Matt. 25: 35-40), the deacons are asking the congregation to prayerfully consider giving to our denomination’s Geneva – Relief Fund (previously called “Ministerial Relief Fund”), during our March fund drive. Since 1973, this fund has provided practical expressions of love, help, care, and encouragement to PCA pastors, wives, widows, and church workers who’ve experienced hardship and loss. You can learn more HERE. You can participate in this mercy ministry using the above link, or by a check made out to Forestgate, designated “Geneva – Relief Fund”, anytime during the month of March. Afterwards, the deacons will add $500 to the designated monies collected, using the Benevolence Fund, and send the total to the PCA’s Geneva – Relief Fund.
Baby Shower Bash! We will be honoring the McLendon's with a baby Shower on Saturday, March 8th at 12:30pm in the double classroom. Stop by for games, snacks, and a lot of fun! RSVP and gift registry can be found HERE. Email for any questions!
AV Volunteers needed for the 8:30am and 11:00am Sunday morning services. No prior experience needed! Volunteers will be trained on slides, sound, and/or special event setups. Techs will be required to arrive 15 minutes before service for a quick pre-service briefing. We are looking for a 1-2 Sundays a month commitment. Please, fill out this form if you are interested.
Palm Sunday Children's Choir (PreK - Jr. High) We will be meeting the last 15 min of Sunday School (10:40-10:55am) from February 23-April 6, and singing in Palm Sunday services. No sign up necessary.
Easter Adult Choir: Calling all Sr. High and Adult Singers! We are meeting Wednesdays 5:30-6:30pm from February 26-April 16, and singing in Easter Sunday services (and perhaps Good Friday as well). If you're interested in joining, RSVP HERE. Contact Anna Saks with any questions:
On March 2, we will start a new class on the life of Joseph. Often overlooked, Joseph is one of the godliest men in the Old Testament. He suffered being sold into slavery and then thrown into prison. But God was with him and used him to save Egypt from starvation and to provide a place where the nation of Israel could prosper. The class will be taught by Tony Burch.
Church Office Administrator Rhonda Paulk informed us this week that she will be stepping down on May 31. Rhonda has been a valuable asset to the staff and congregation for four years, and we will miss her dearly. We hope that you will take the opportunity to thank her for service to us! We hope to find a replacement (for the same or a similar position) in time for Rhonda to train him/her. If you know anyone who might be interested, including yourself, we are accepting applications and resumes now; please send them to We will post a full job description soon.
Young Adults Group | February 21 from 6:30-8:30: We plan to have a time of fellowship and light snacks as we discuss what we plan to study as a group. We look forward to seeing you all there! Please contact Laura Lenahan for the address and any questions you may have.
Ladies, mark your calendars for our next game night! It will be Tuesday, February 25, from 7pm-9pm. There will be games, snacks and fellowship. Sign up HERE!
Our Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study is in need of paid childcare workers. Interested in applying? Reach out to Rhonda at
This week at GriefShare—“Self-Care” Any adult who has experienced the death of a family member or friend is invited to attend the 13-week GriefShare support group Wednesdays at 10 am—you may join at any time in the cycle. Click HERE to register. Questions? See Kelly Odell, Joan Funke or send an email to
Save the Date! Welcome to Forestgate New Members Class is happening March 2 & 9, 12:15pm-3:15pm. Lunch and childcare will be provided (2 months to 6 yrs old). If you’re interested in learning more about who we are at Forestgate, what we believe, and the process involved with becoming members, this class is for you! Sign up HERE.