Missionaries of the Month

Jonathan Clark with RUF at UCCS
Jeff and Jen Kriesel
Ashley Lanier (Intern) and Abby Mackey (Intern) RUF at USAFA
Jim and Vicki Covey with World Outreach Ministries serving USAFA graduates


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Global Missions

The Missions team at Forestgate Presbyterian Church supports and encourages the overall mission of the church, which is to proclaim God’s love through the gospel to Colorado Springs, North El Paso County, and the world. The Missions team provides support for missionaries in our community, in our country, and abroad. We want to encourage their work through financial support, prayer, and regular communication. We support various missionaries every month and also give monetary gifts to various other individuals and groups. Our goal is to cultivate a heart for missions among our members by encouraging them to participate in Missions, both directly and indirectly, through short and long-term missions trips, financial support, and prayer.


Forestgate Supported Missionaries


Diane Alfonso

BEE World

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Jimmy & Vicki Covey

USAFA Alumni Ministries

Rebecca Diboll


Ben & Julie Jensen

Mission to the World - Japan

Tim and Andrea Kay

Edgewood Ministries

Chery Flores + Klingsmith

Missions Door

Scott & Gail Kohler

Wycliffe Bible Translators

Jeff & Jenn Kreisel


Eric & Rebecca Larsen

Mission to the World NEXT

Kurt & Marlene Schimke

African Bible Colleges - Kampala, Uganda


Larry & Mandy Wilkes

Mission to the World in England

Baylor & Erin May

Teach Beyond in Czech Republic

Arturo Terrazas

Entrusted Word Ministries