Men’s Ministry

The Men’s Ministry team at Forestgate exists to nurture gospel-centered relationships between the men at Forestgate. Our goal is to connect men with one another so that they can encourage one another and disciple one another in accordance with the examples in scripture.

We have several different Bible Studies and Titus 2 men’s groups that meet to discuss scripture and encourage one another.

The Wednesday Night Men's Bible Study is open to all men but encourages young fathers to drop off their teens at youth group and share the evening with other "Men of Forestgate" at the church from 6:45 pm-8 pm. We cover a variety of Bible books and topics and always have interesting discussions!

Our Friday Men’s Bible Study is currently studying Ephesians. We meet in the double classroom every Friday at 6:45am for fellowship, 7-8:15am study.

Our Monthly Men’s Breakfasts are held on the 2nd Saturday of each month from February-April and September-November. This is a time for men to come together and enjoy delicious food and also to hear from a speaker or member of the congregation.

For more info contact