Who Is Jesus?

Who Is Jesus? He Is The Savior We Need

Writing in the 11th century, Anselm of Canterbury famously wrote Cur Deus Homo?, Latin for “Why a God-Man?” In answering this question, Anselm details why it is necessary that the Savior be both fully God and fully man in order to fulfill his mission in saving his people. In this article, I intend to briefly encapsulate who Jesus is, as a man, as God, and as the Savior.

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Is God Real?

Can faith in God be reasonable? Is He really there and is this His universe? These are the bedrock questions of human existence. The answers to these questions set the course of one’s life. If God doesn’t exist, there is no external source of hope, no external source of morality, and no ultimate meaning. But if God does exist, then life has purpose, direction, and soul-satisfying fulfillment.

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Can I Be Forgiven?

Yes. God, through his son, Jesus Christ, is faithful to forgive us of our sins. This is the central idea and, perhaps, the most radical difference between Christianity and any other world religion. In nearly every other religion, the central tenant of their faith is yes, we have sinned, and the only way to get out from under the punishment for that sin is to do something to make it better. Christianity says that, on the contrary, we’ve sinned against an eternal God which requires eternal punishment. We, under our own power, could never do enough to be forgiven.

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