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We want to honor Christ by surrounding ourselves with His Word, committed to meditate upon it (Joshua 1:8) so we know and obey Him more fully. Swordfighters is a church-wide Scripture memory ministry for all ages with recommended reading and optional catechism questions to study and memorize. Depending on maturity level, parents may choose for younger children to memorize either the catechism questions or the Scriptures or both! Recitations are heard at the end of each month by volunteer listeners. Small rewards will be given to younger children. We hope Scripture memorization becomes ingrained in our daily lives as we walk together toward Christ-likeness, in communion with God and each other.

May it not be said of Forestgate: “...you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God” Matthew 22:9

What does Catechism mean, anyway?

We use the Ask Me Whooo series as a musical tool for teaching the catechism, which is a simple question and answer format used to facilitate memorization of a basic set of beliefs. Historically speaking, churches and parents “catechized” their children to teach them about Christianity. Many protestant denominations derive these summations of teaching from the Westminster Shorter Catechism, written in the 1600’s by a group of theologians who, together, concurred these are the basic doctrines of the Bible. In the late 1800’s, Joseph Engels adapted this body of work into what we now call the Children’s First Catechism.

For questions or concerns, contact Lisa Brandt, Swordfighters Director, at 719-491-3859.

Songs for February