Forestgate Proposed Building Expansion 


The church’s leadership has been looking a how to best accommodate the significant growth experienced over the last few years, which resulted in some classroom and sanctuary seating reorganization, adding about 15 parking spaces, and in December 2017, adding a 2nd worship service. Although these low-cost adjustments have enabled us to function, it became clear that we still have a few areas that were hindering effective ministry, including limited fellowship/gathering areas, nursery, and office space needed for the staff being added. In January 2018, we began working with our architect to better assess how we might enhance our building’s effectiveness towards advancing the church’s vision.

In October 2019 our lobby expansion, parking lot restructuring, and west patio were completed. The graphic above shows a possible future expansion plan for the east side of the building should it become clearly needed to accomodate continued growth. A Building Use Study Committee will report to Session their findings in March 2020 before any future construction.


Contact the Building Manager Here: