Giving Opportunity

PCA’s Geneva – Relief Fund: As part of our calling and ongoing commitment to mercy ministry offered in Jesus’ name (Matt. 25: 35-40), the deacons are asking the congregation to prayerfully consider giving to our denomination’s Geneva – Relief Fund (previously called “Ministerial Relief Fund”), during our March fund drive. Since 1973, this fund has provided practical expressions of love, help, care, and encouragement to PCA pastors, wives, widows, and church workers who’ve experienced hardship and loss. You can learn more HERE. You can participate in this mercy ministry using the above link, or by a check made out to  Forestgate, designated “Geneva – Relief Fund”, anytime during the month of March. Afterwards, the deacons will add $500 to the designated monies collected, using the Benevolence Fund, and send the total to the PCA’s Geneva – Relief Fund.