Operation Christmas Child- Christmas 2021

Wise Owls and some “Forestgate friends” had great fun doing 162 Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes this year! In October Sharon Patterson and Melissa Klute coordinated the Wise Owls in assembling 32 shoeboxes, putting coloring books, hygiene items, toys and school supplies into the boxes for children around the world.

A few weeks later a group of friends gathered to fill another 130 boxes with similar items, and also some homemade toys. It’s exciting to know that the children receiving these will experience a fun Gospel presentation at their shoebox distribution party, a Gospel storybook in their language, and, in most places, an opportunity to participate in a twelve-week discipleship program! The shoebox gifts become viable tools for evangelism for local churches around the world. Many churches are greatly expanded by these events, and new churches are birthed because of the simple shoebox gifts!

If you missed out on doing a shoebox, you can always participate by building a shoebox online. Simply go to www.samaritanspurse.org/occ for details.