(Update given before worship on October 8, 2023)
After every joint session-diaconate meeting, I’m asked to give a report to the congregation. A few things to make you aware of:
Finances got off to a strong start this year, due to some extraordinary giving. What’s extraordinary giving? If someone tells our treasurer that they’re giving a one-time gift, or an annual gift, the treasurer makes a notation, so that we don’t plan to receive that same amount regularly. And due to strong extraordinary giving, we’re 8% above budget right now. Thank you for that, but please don’t stop being generous, especially as end-of-the-year giving approaches. In addition to our annual budget, we believe God is leading us to building expansion at some point as well as future church planting. In years past, when we have received more money than we need for the budget, we’ve allocated money for larger projects into special funds.
The Session has a retreat coming up on October 23. We have three topics we want to discuss, in this order: Better Shepherding, Building Expansion, and Church Planting. We would appreciate your prayers as we prepare for that retreat. Any communication about that retreat shouldn’t be expected until after the Session has another meeting. Presbyterians are deliberative, by our nature. Another way to say that – Nothing happens quickly in a Presbyterian church, for better or for worse. I think it’s usually for the better. But, again, please pray for us as that approaches.
We also discussed several other topics with the deacons at our meeting. They’re doing a great job, showing wonderful initiative and care for the congregation. Please pray for them.
And just so you know that we haven’t forgotten, solar panels, to help defer the cost of our utility bills – Those are still coming; we’re still waiting patiently for the install date. (Update, 10-24-23 – Panels have been installed; we’re awaiting some follow up from the electric company.)
Lastly, thanks for your patience while the pastoral staff was away at Presbytery. Keep praying for Pastor Matt since he’ll be serving as Moderator of the Presbytery Meetings next year.
-Pastor Matt, 10-08-23