What Kind of JUSTICE Will God’s People See?

Esther 7:1-10

Sermon Notes

One point for each verse:

  1. Same Song …
  2. … 3rd Verse
  3. Currying Favor
  4. Cutting to the Chase (Finally)
  5. Kingly Outrage
  6. Curtains for ‘the Enemy’
  7. The King Cools Off (maybe), while Haman Grovels
  8. Haman’s Groveling Backfires
  9. Harbona’s Helpful Cameo
  10. Poetic Justice and Propitiation –

Reflection Questions

  • Read Numbers 6:24-26 (the blessing/benediction of Aaron) and Psalm 67:1-5. Why has God blessed his people? (Considering reading the next question before you answer this one.)

  • Esther risks her life for the sake of her people. She gives a voice to the voiceless, help to the helpless. Is this merely a description of what happened, or is it an example the Bible wants us to follow (based on this passage AND the rest of Scripture)? Consider: Prov 31:8-9; Romans 15:1ff; Romans 5:6, 8. 

  • I once heard someone say: I want mercy for my sins, but I want justice for the sins of others. Does that describe the way you feel about sin? Read Mt 18:21-35 and see what Jesus has to say about this topic.