Isaiah 19-20
Sermon Notes:
1) Injury – Divided, Confused, and Defeated, 19:1-15
2) Insult – Ashamed and Laid Bare, 20:1-6
3) Infirmary – Striking and Healing, 19:16-25
Reflection questions:
1. Read Psalm 20:7. Why were people back then tempted to trust in chariots and horses? How can we today trust things equivalent to chariots and horses?
2. Is Isaiah 20 the craziest thing that God ever asked a prophet to do? Consider: Hosea 1:1-3; 3:1-5. Now ask, why did God use such drastic tactics then?
3. What good ever comes from being embarrassed and humiliated (cf Is 20:5-6)? Consider Psalm 119:71, as well as vv.65, 68.