Why Should I Care About Ancient Damascus and Her Destruction?

Isaiah 17

Sermon Notes:

1) The Fleeting Hope of Mighty Nations, 1-6, 12-14

2) The Forgotten God of Our Salvation, 9-11

3) The Forgiving God of Our Creation, 4-8

Reflection questions:

1) Read Isaiah 17:1-4. Why is Ephraim (aka, the Northern Kingdom of Israel) mentioned in the judgment passage as Syria (whose capital was Damascus)? Read Is 7:1-3 for the background.

2) Israel’s attitude seemed to be, “If we form a military alliance with Syria (instead of trusting God to deliver us), then we will be ok.” If _____, then I will be ok. How would you fill in that blank? What does that tell you about _____, and your feelings towards it.

3) How can you ensure that you do not forget the God of your salvation (v.10)? Read Psalm 103 (especially vv.1-2) and Ephesians 1:3-14 (especially v3) for some ideas.