Increasing Faith, Increasing Fruit, Increasing Gospel

Colossians 1:1-14

Sermon Notes:

1. Increasing Faith | vv. 3-8

2. Increasing Fruit | vv. 9-12

3. Increasing Gospel | vv. 5-6, 13-14

Reflection Questions:

1. When was the last time you were overwhelmed with the joy and glory of salvation? If it's been a while, why has it become insignificant or mundane? Why is Paul compelled to pour out thanksgiving every time he prays for the Colossians?

2. What are some specific ways that your spiritual fruit shows your devotion to God? What ways have you seen your spiritual fruit grow since becoming a Christian?

3. God has delivered us from slavery to sin and death. Like God reminded Israel over and over again, he reminds us where we've come from and who we are now. What is your identity in Christ and how can you live out of the gospel more today than you did yesterday?