God Provides His King

1 Samuel 16

Sermon Notes:

Main Point: Learn to see how God sees.

1. How Man Sees | vv.1-5

2. How The Lord Sees | vv. 6-10

3. How The Lord Provides | vv. 11-13

4. How Man Provides | vv. 14-23

Reflection Questions:

1. Why is it so easy for us to see the world from our perspective rather than Gods? Especially after God has just demonstrated that his ways are better than our own.

2. What difficulties in life are particularly hard for you to trust God in the midst of?

3. In what ways are you particularly tempted to think you know better than God?

4. What do you think of the idea that there is power in beauty?

5. Do you still struggle with elements from this passage? If so, which ones? Why?