Who is Jesus? The Savior of Sinners

Matthew 1:18-25

Sermon Notes:

1) No good deed unpunished | 18-19

2) No good thing withheld | 20-23 (Ps 84:11)

3) No temptation not common | 24-25 (1 Cor 10:13)

Reflection questions:

1) “Christians believe in the virgin birth of Jesus. Atheists believe in the virgin birth of the universe.” - Glen Scrivener. Which miracle has more evidence? What does the miraculous birth of Jesus tell you about God’s purpose in sending His Son to earth?

2) Matthew 1:21 says that Jesus “will save his people from their sins?” Does God promise to save us from our sins? Does God promise to save us from the sins of others on this side of heaven? Are we promised inner renewal, enabling us to be salt and light in a dark world? Or are we promised more than that until Jesus returns?

3) When difficulties happen to you, are you quick to accuse God of “withholding” His goodness? Read the following passages (Ps 84:11; Phil 4:19; 1 Cor 10:13; 2 Peter 1:3; Ps 73) and ask how we should view of God’s provision to us?