Isaiah 63:7-19
Sermon Notes:
1) The LORD Remains Faithful to His Covenant People in All Their Afflictions | 7-9
2) The LORD Remains Faithful to His Covenant People in All Their Rebellion | 10-14
3) The LORD’s Faithfulness to His Covenant People Leads Them to Cry Out for Tangible Deliverance | 15-19 (cf 11-13)
Reflection Questions:
1. What descriptions of God do you see in vv. 7-9? What sticks out about Isaiah’s prayer to God, about God?
2. Why is Isaiah asking so many questions of God? Do these questions imply that Isaiah does not trust God’s promises?
3. Read the following passages and see what parallels you can find to Isaiah 63:7-19. Consider Exodus 3:7; 4:22; 6:7; 19:4; 33:14; Psalm 78.