Broken but Bold - All that Jesus Continued to Do and Teach

Acts 1

Sermon Notes:

1) Apostolic Empowerment | 1-11

2) Apostolic Oblivion | 3-8

3) Apostolic Apostasy | 12-20

4) Apostolic Succession | 15-26

Reflection Questions:

1) Acts 1:3 says that Jesus spoke about the Kingdom of God during the 40 days before He ascended into heaven. What is the Kingdom of God? And what is the “good news of the Kingdom of God” (Luke 4:43)?

2) What does Jesus say will happen after His people receive the power of the Holy Spirit? What are all the ways you are currently witnessing (in small or large ways) about the good news of Jesus and its (current and future) impact upon your life?

3) Does Acts record the casting of lots in chapter 1 to encourage us to use similar methods in our decision making? What about the presence of prayer? How can we know which parts of Acts are prescriptive (prescribing what we should do) and which ones are descriptive (merely describing what happened)? How can the rest of Scripture help us decide?