The Glory in the Grief

Colossians 1:24-2:5

Sermon Notes:

1) Grief is Not Wasted

2) The Hope of Glory

3) The Realities of Suffering

Reflection Questions:

1. If our suffering is not wasted, then surely we should be able to see how God has redeemed suffering in the past. But in order to see that we might have to lift our gaze to beyond how we normally perceive our pain.

  • What are some examples from scripture of God using other's suffering to bring hope to those around them?

  • What are some examples of others in your life who have shown God's goodness through their suffering?

  • If you can recognize those things, how might God be working in circumstances in your life now to reveal his redemption to you and to those around you? How can you then be intentional like Paul to proclaim Christ through your suffering?

2. Those that Paul says have "plausible arguments" will try to persuade you that your suffering is meaningless. But in order to do that, they have to ignore what God produces in us through suffering. Does the result of our suffering justify the process? If God uses your temporary suffering, however painful and dreadful it may be, to bear witness to an eternal hope, is it not worth the cost? Consider and meditate upon Matt 13:44-46 and Phil 3:7-11.