Praise Amidst Persecution

Acts 4:23-31

Sermon Notes:

1) The Servants released | 23

2) The Servants raise their voices | 24

3) The Nations rage | 25-27

4) The Lord reigns | 27-28

5) The Lord responds | 29-31

Reflection questions:

1) What aspects of the disciples’ prayer stick out to you? How can the circumstances and the words of this prayer teach us to pray?

2) Read Psalm 2. What parallels do you to the story of Acts 3-4 (see vv. 25-27 for a hint) as well as the story of the entire Bible?

3) The disciples prayed for boldness to speak God’s Word, and their prayer was answered. (In a way, it’s answered again at the end of Acts – see Acts 28:30-31.) Is there one person (or more) to whom you want courage to speak God’s Word?