You Can't Get to Heaven on Roller Skates

Colossians 2:6-23

Sermon Notes:

1. Dwelling in the Gospel | vv. 6-15

a. The Emptiness of Creaturely Artifices

b. The Fullness of Christ's Work

2. Deliverance from Mere Shadows | vv. 16-23

Reflection Questions:

1. Paul says that we have been rooted, built up, and established in the faith in Jesus (v. 7) These verbs describe what God has done for us, and how he works in us. The last verb in that verse is our response: abounding in thanksgiving. How can habitual thanksgiving help to dwell in the gospel, and live in accordance with the gospel, instead of drifting towards empty philosophies and burdensome traditions?

2. As Paul begins to tell the Colossians how they ought to live, he again reminds them of what Jesus has done for them (vv. 9-15). Look back at Colossians 1:1- 2:5. How many times has Paul reminded the Colossians of what Jesus has done? How many ways has he shown them the gospel? Why do you think Paul emphasized what Jesus has done in this way before telling the Colossians how they ought to live?

3. The burdens and shame that come from self-made religion and asceticism (v 23.) seem at first to be helpful tenants of religion, but they cannot change the heart. What is a struggle in your life that you have tried to conquer with rules and practices? How might resting in your union with Jesus in his death and resurrection lead to real heart change?