Called to Put on Truth, Righteous Anger and Hard-working Generosity

Ephesians 4:25-28

Sermon Notes:

Put on Truth, Righteous Anger, and Hard-Working Generosity, because:

1) God’s Son died to make obedience possible | (Eph 2:8-10)

2) God’s People belong to each other | 25

3) God’s Enemy wants our anger to destroy our Body | 26-27

4) Other People may need our help | 28

Reflections questions:

1) Are you saved by your good works? Are you saved for good works? Read Ephesians 4:25-28 and then read 2:8-10. Why does God expect you to be able to meet His high calling?

2) What are all of the commands in vv. 25ff supposed to promote within the Church? See Ephesians 4:1-6.

3) What are some obvious ways that lies, anger, and greed tear apart Christ’s body? What are some of the less obvious ways that we break the commands regarding truth, anger, and generosity? Think of one supposedly “respectable sin” for each category that you can Put Off in the future. (No sin is supposed to be respectable. Jerry Bridges used that term to describe sins that aren’t as widely condemned that we should still repent of.)

Anger: God’s Command, or the Devil’s Foothold?

Ephesians 2:26-27

Sermon Notes:

1) Put On Holy Anger, and Make Sure It’s Holy | 26a

2) Put Off Cancerous Anger Quickly | 26b

3) Beware the Enemy, who Seeks an Opportunity for Destruction in Our Anger | 27

Reflection questions:

1) Does God’s word ever endorse hatred or anger? See Eph 4:26; Psalm 4:4; and Ps 119:53. Regarding Ps 119 – Does the Psalmist hate people, or their actions?

2) Does this passage warn against the dangers of anger? Can you name all three qualifications or guardrails for our anger? Which is easier – putting on holy anger for the right reasons, or avoiding the sinful excesses of anger? What are three steps you can take to avoid the three common errors of anger?

3) What kind of “opportunity” for the Devil is God (speaking through Paul) urging the church to avoid? Why should we be eager to avoid an opportunity for Satan, and what should we be eager to maintain as a Church? See Ephesians 4:1-6, 27.

The Christian's New Clothes

Ephesians 4:17-25

Sermon Notes:

1) Our Calling to Walk as Christians | 17-21

2) Our Calling to Dress as Christians | 22-24

3) Our Calling to Speak as Christians | 25

Reflection questions:

1. How does Paul describe the logical result of how Gentiles (non-Christians, in this case) walk, v17-19? Does he mean that there is no hope for non-Christians? Is he trying to show what this life will lead to unless someone changes course?

2. Is it possible for a Christian to not live like a Christian, to not dress like a Christian? What type of clothes has God given us, and why should we be grateful for them? (See Genesis 3:7, 21; Isaiah 61:10-11; Revelation 19:6-9.)

3. Truth, in love, builds up (Eph 4:15-16), so what would falsehood do to the Body of Christ? What is the next hard conversation you plan to have with someone? Have you thought about how you can speak the truth in love to that person?

Called to Grow in Mutual Maturity and Love

Ephesians 4:11-16

Sermon Notes:

1) God’s blood-bought gifts empower us to attain unity and maturity | 11-13

2) God’s blood-bought gifts empower us to clarify our essential doctrines | 14

3) God’s blood-bought gifts require us to grow together by truth and love | 15-16

Reflection questions:

1) Is Christian unity something you are thankful for, something you’re eager to maintain, or is it something you are striving to attain in its fullness? Which one(s) should it be for you? See Eph 4:1-6 and 11-13.

2) What does the Bible say about teaching, doctrine? It is something that can cause division and therefore should be avoided? Is it something we should learn more about, something that helps us grow together? (See Eph 4:13-15)

3) Are you more characterized by truth or love (v.15) in your interactions with others? Does God give us a choice, or does He call us to embrace both, speaking the truth in love? Is there one area (truth or love or both) that you need to grow in, for your own sake and for the sake of the body of Christ?

The Source and Purpose of Our Calling

Ephesians 4:7-12

Sermon Notes:

1) Every Christian receives a gracious gift | 7

2) Christ is the Champion and Giver of our Gifts | 8-10

3) The Word of God is the clarifying foundation for every gift | 11

4) Building up other Christians is the Purpose of Every Christian Gift | 12

Reflection questions:

1) How do our God-given gifts show us how God bestows value on His people? (See Gen 1:26-28; Eph 2:1-9) How does the purpose of our gifts keep us from becoming prideful and arrogant? See v.12.

2) What gift have all God’s people received? (see Ephesians 2:1-9) Do we also receive unique gifts? See v.7. Are those unique gifts meant to highlight our uniqueness, or do they have another purpose? See vv. 1-7, 12.

3) Who is our Great High Priest as Christians? Is there also a sense where every believer is a priest or minister or servant of God?


Ephesians 4:4-6

Sermon Notes:

We should be eager to maintain our unity (Eph 4:3) because…

1) We are One Spirit-filled Body, 4a

2) We have One Allegiance-demanding Lord, 4b-5

3) We have One Family with One Father, 6

Reflection questions:

1. Pardon the 17th -century English (and use Google for the hard words if you have to), and ask how this quote should motivate you to maintain unity with your brothers and sisters in Christ: “All saints … being united to one another in love … have communion in each other’s gifts and graces, and are obliged to the performance of such duties, public and private, as do conduce to their mutual good, both in the inward and outward man.” (Westminster Confession of Faith, 26.1)

2. To borrow a line from John Calvin, do you dread every kind of animosity among the people of God? What are some reasons that you should want to strive for unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace?

3. Read Ephesians 4:1-4 and Galatians 5:22-23. How does the Holy Spirit help us to stay unified as a Body of believers?

Clothed in Love

Colossians 3:1-17

Sermon Notes:

1. The God Context | vv 1-4

2. Garments of Death | vv 5-9

3. Wearing Love | vv 10-17

Reflection Questions:

1. What things do you think about most often? Are your thoughts shaped by what Jesus has accomplished and the hope of eternal life, or are they reflections of earthly pursuits? How might The God Context reframe those things that occupy your attention?

2. What ways does our world subtly excuse or even promote the sins and heart attitudes in verses 5-9? How can naming the root sins help you see and protect yourself from treating them as "respectable sins?"

3. Review the qualities in verses 12-13. If you remove love, what happens to these characteristics of the new self? How can we guard ourselves against this temptation?

Walking Worthy of Our Glorious Calling

Ephesians 4:1-3

Sermon Notes:

1) The Master of our Calling | 1

2) The Manner of our Calling | 2

3) The Motivation of our Calling | 3

Reflection Questions:

1) John Stott says, “The life worthy of the calling of God is a life in the fellowship of the people of God.” How are you striving to (or how could you) increase Christian fellowship in your life right now?

2) Why do you think William Hendriksen said that humility (v2) is the “first, second, and third essential of the Christian life?” What can/does lack of humility do to your life, your family’s lives, your church’s fellowship?

3) What’s one way that you can be more patient (“longsuffering towards aggravating people” - Stott) with one person or one group of people in your life? Why does God call us to such patience? See Ephesians 4:32.

God Provides His King

1 Samuel 16

Sermon Notes:

Main Point: Learn to see how God sees.

1. How Man Sees | vv.1-5

2. How The Lord Sees | vv. 6-10

3. How The Lord Provides | vv. 11-13

4. How Man Provides | vv. 14-23

Reflection Questions:

1. Why is it so easy for us to see the world from our perspective rather than Gods? Especially after God has just demonstrated that his ways are better than our own.

2. What difficulties in life are particularly hard for you to trust God in the midst of?

3. In what ways are you particularly tempted to think you know better than God?

4. What do you think of the idea that there is power in beauty?

5. Do you still struggle with elements from this passage? If so, which ones? Why?

A Beautiful Mystery

Ephesians 3

Sermon Notes:

1) The Puzzle Now Solved | 1-6

2) The Proclaimer Now Equipped | 7-13

3) The Prayer: Deeper Knowledge | 14-19

4) The Praise: Greater Glory | 20-21

Reflection questions:

1) What mystery is Paul talking about in vv. 1-13? Is it still a mystery, or has it been revealed?

2) Read the following passages, in order (as best we can tell) of when Paul wrote them: 1 Cor. 15:8-10; Ephesians 3:8; 1 Tim. 1:15. What does this tell you about Paul’s growing self-awareness? Did his growing self-awareness give him more or less assurance of God’s salvation? (See also, 2 Tim. 4:6-8, likely Paul’s final letter.)

3) Read vv. 14-21. How would your life look differently if you were more rooted and grounded in love (v17)?