The Greatest Commandment

Luke 10:25-27, 38-42

The Greatest Commandment
Rev. Matt Giesman

Sermon Notes

1) The Picture of Two Good Things, 38-39

2) The Distraction of Many Things, 40-41

3) The Necessity of One Thing, 41-42


Reflection questions:

  1. Does Jesus ever say which “one thing is necessary?” What does the story seem to imply that the “one thing” is?

  2. What one thing does Jesus focus on in Matthew 6:25-34? And what does He tell us not to focus on? (And why shouldn’t we focus on it? See Mt 6:32; Mt 6:8.)

  3. What one thing does Paul focus on in Philippians 3:10-15?

  4. What one thing did David seek in Psalm 27:4? Compare Ps 84, especially vv. 1-2, 10.