Why Didn't They Understand?

Luke 23:44-56

Sermon Notes:

1) Stop and pay attention! (How the Centurion eventually understood) v.44-47

2) Think for yourself! (How the crowd eventually understood) v.48-49

3) Look out for his kingdom, not yours! (How Joseph understood even though the council missed it) v.50-56

Reflection Questions:

1. How can you take time to slow down in your life and focus on Jesus to prevent what happened to the Centurion?

2. We know the gospel means both these statements are true "you are more sinful than you can see" but also "you are more loved than you can imagine in Christ". Which do you struggle more with?

3. What other "benefits" do you receive from being a Christian? How might those things become idols in and of themselves if you forget they are good gifts from God?

4. How might you feel if you were in the crowd crucifying Jesus and he looked at you? What expression would be on his face?