Divisions and Divine Decisions

Luke 12:49-59

Sermon Notes

1) The Division Christ Brings, 51-53

2) The Difficulty Christ Endures, 49-50

3) The Discernment Christ Commends, 54-59

Reflection questions:

1. Why does Christ mention the division of vv.51-53? Because He expects no new conversions to Christianity? Because He wants us to be prepared to meet opposition? See 1 Peter 2:19-23; 3:9, 13-17.

2. How does knowing the difficulty and suffering of Christ (vv.49-50) help you endure suffering? Consider the verses mention in #1, and 1 Peter 1:3-9, which talks about “joy inexpressible” and the trials that we suffer “for a little while.”

3. In what sense does Christ understand what it is like to be divided or separated from family? Some examples to consider – Matthew 27:45-46, 50 (also see Ps. 22, especially vv.1-2, 24); Mark 3:21; Luke 2:48-50.