That Feeling When Someone Declares You Good Enough, Accepted, and Approved

Luke 18:9-14

Sermon Notes

1) We all desire to be approved, to be justified, declared right or righteous

2) The problem is we look inward, toward our own actions, to find this justification… but we never attain it

3) We can only find true acceptance, approval, and justification through Repentance (full acknowledgement that we aren’t right) and Faith (full trust that Jesus’ atonement makes us right)

Reflection questions:

1.    What would it be like to receive a 'Thank You' card where the person recounts all the things they had done?

2.    What are some of the "respectable sins" that Christians often overlook? What are some sins that Christians tend to focus more on than others?

3.    What are different ways we try and prove our goodness to others? Which ways are you most tempted?

4.    How are Remorse and Regret different from Repentance?

5.     How does repentance (fully admitting sin) actually bring us rest?