How Much Do I Owe Caesar?

Luke 20:19-26

Sermon Notes

1) The Plan Conceived, 19-20

2) The Trap Laid, 21-22

3) The Tables Turned, 22-25

4) The Truth Examined, 25-26

Reflection questions:

1. The plans of the scribes and chief priests were not as pure as they appeared to be. Are there times when your own thoughts are not as pure as they should be, not as pure as you think they are? See David’s prayer in Psalm 139:23-24 as you consider this.

2. The scribes and chief priests tried to reduce a complicated question (v22) down to two simple options. Are there times when God calls us to avoid simplicity and embrace wisdom? See Proverbs 1:1-7 and 1:20-22.

3. Read Romans 13:1-7 and Acts 5:29. Do these passages disagree? Or do they only appear to disagree, at first? What did the men in Acts 5:29 conclude that they had to obey God, rather than men (aka, the governing authorities – cf Romans 13:1)?