When Suffering Rips Your Guts Out

Psalm 30

Sermon Notes:

1. The problem: Our struggle is we don't know how to respond to intense suffering (Optimism in our own strength, vain optimism, optimism but only for the far-off future, Pessimism?)

2. The main idea: This psalm shows us that oftentimes, "suffering can bring reorientation." David's suffering offers him reorientation:

  • Reoriented Perspective (v.5)

  • Reoriented Relationship (v.8)

  • Reoriented Hope (v.11)

3. The answer: David's experience shows us that we don't face suffering with optimism or pessimism, but God uses the suffering to give us a reoriented "Hopeful Realism."

Reflection Questions:

1. On a scale of 1-10, how much are you feeling signs of depression or anxiety from any suffering you are currently facing?

2. How do you tend to respond to intense suffering (see the list in parenthesis under "the problem" above).

3. Why do you tend toward that response and not the others?

4. What about David's experience in this psalm gives you hope or comfort for your own situation?

5. How might you reorient the way you see this current suffering with more of an outlook of "Hopeful Realism?"