Restore Our Fortunes, O Lord!

Psalm 126

Sermon Notes:

1) The great things He has done | 1-3

2) The gladness we have | 3

3) The restoration we seek | 4-6

Reflection Questions:

1. “The Lord has done great things for us.” (v3) What great things has the Lord done for you?

2. “We are glad.” (v3) Does joy (and gladness) characterize your life as much as the Bible suggests it should? See 1 Thess. 5:16-18. What can you do to cultivate joy in your life, while still leaving room for Biblical lament?

3. “Restore our fortunes, O Lord!” (v4) Are your prayers as bold as this one? Can you be bold in prayer while still holding your earthly wishes loosely, accepting whatever outcome God sends?

Worship Deeper - Worship, Connect, Serve Deeper - Part 1

Romans 11:33-36; Psalms 1, 84, 119, 121, 136

Sermon Notes:

1) Recognition – Recognize His Worth, Rom 11:33-36.

2) Preparation – Preparing for Worship, Psalms 120-134.

3) Participation – Participate in Worship, Psalm 136.

4) Rumination – Ruminate upon Sunday’s worship, Psalm 1.

5) Anticipation – Anticipate the next Holy Day, Ps 84.

Reflection Questions:

1. Why is God worth your worship? See Romans 11:33-36; 12:1-2; 16:25-27.

2. What’s one way you can prepare for worship this year?

3. What’s one way you can participate in worship this year?

4. What’s one way you can ruminate or meditate upon worship this year?

5. What truth can you anticipate learning more deeply next Sunday and the next?

God’s Faithfulness to the Faithful

Psalm 18

Sermon Notes:

I. The Lord, My Rock and My Salvation

II. God’s Faithfulness to the Faithful

III. True Victory, Both Now and Forever

Reflection Questions:

1. To what lengths has God gone to bring you salvation? How have you seen God's great power at work as he breaks into your life to rescue you? If you cannot see God working, take some time to examine your heart and consider, am I crying out to God? Am I resting in God's salvation or the work of my own hands?

2. How does the faithfulness of God radically change your perspective on this Psalm? What rewards are given to the Faithful one? What is the cost of unfaithfulness?

3. Victory can mean deliverance from our present difficulties, but it can also be found while we are burdened by the consequences of sin. How does our foreversalvation give us hope and change the way that we look at our current circumstances?

The Astounding God of Mercy

Psalm 51

Sermon Notes:

1. The Astonishing Problem of Sin

2. An Astonishing Repentance

3. The Astounding God of Mercy

Reflection Questions:

1. It can be difficult to see our sin for what it really is. In what ways have you recently seen how astonishing your sin is, and how much you need to be saved from it? How do you still struggle with seeing your sin as God sees it?

2. David realized all his scheming and lies were worthless, in light of God's perfection. Repentance from sin is costly because we must sacrifice our selfworth. However, it also shows an astonishing truth and hope about what life might be if we are saved. What are some of the joys and hopes you have experienced when you have truly turned from your sin?

3. Are you still surprised by who God is? If so, what have you been surprised by recently? How can meditating on the mercy of God help you grow in wonder and love for Him?