A Weary World Rejoices

Luke 2:21-38

Sermon Notes:

1) A Gift fit for the Poor, 21-24

2) A Gift worth Waiting for, 25-26, 33-38

3) A Gift to Die for, 27-32

Reflection questions:

1. Why is it important to know that Jesus was born into poverty? Compare v.24 with Leviticus 12:8. Also see 2 Corinthians 8:9.

2. Have you ever waited for a gift and then been disappointed to not receive it? Think about that as you read the following verses: Luke 2:25-26, 36-38; Romans 5:1-5, especially v.5.

3. Was Simeon unique, or are there others in the Bible who received the gift to die for? Cf. 2 Timothy 4:6-8.