The Astounding God of Mercy

Psalm 51

Sermon Notes:

1. The Astonishing Problem of Sin

2. An Astonishing Repentance

3. The Astounding God of Mercy

Reflection Questions:

1. It can be difficult to see our sin for what it really is. In what ways have you recently seen how astonishing your sin is, and how much you need to be saved from it? How do you still struggle with seeing your sin as God sees it?

2. David realized all his scheming and lies were worthless, in light of God's perfection. Repentance from sin is costly because we must sacrifice our selfworth. However, it also shows an astonishing truth and hope about what life might be if we are saved. What are some of the joys and hopes you have experienced when you have truly turned from your sin?

3. Are you still surprised by who God is? If so, what have you been surprised by recently? How can meditating on the mercy of God help you grow in wonder and love for Him?