The DNA of God's Family

Colossians 3:12-4:6

Sermon Notes:

1. The Essence of God's Family

2. The Work of God's Family

3. The Purpose of God's Family

Reflection Questions:

1. Who we are in Jesus has changed us to our core. Our nature is fundamentally different than what it used to be, and different from those around us in the secular world. Why do we need to hold on to that identity and live out of that identity? What should our new identity change in the practice of how we live?

2. There are many things Paul could have said to the various family (and secular) rolls to exhort them in godliness. Why do you think that Paul summarized the calling of these rolls in the ways that he did? In your own roles in God's family, how does your new identity in Christ empower your calling?

3. Why do you think Paul concludes his exhortation to the family of God by urging them to be continually in prayer, and always exercising wisdom? How does the ongoing brokenness in our relationships necessitate our need for prayer and wisdom?