Imitators of God in Sacrificial Love

Ephesians 5:18-33

Sermon Notes:

1) The Universal Submission that Christ Requires | 18-21

2) The Unique Submission that Shows Respect | 22-24, 33

3) The Loving Sacrifice that Sanctifies Another | 25-30

4) The Great Mystery that Displays the Gospel | 31-33

Reflection questions:

1) If we as Christians are being filled with the Spirit, what type of behavior should we expect to see? VV. 18-21.

2) Why does Paul include the words, “as to the Lord,” in v.22? Consider this explanation from John Calvin: “Not that the authority is equal, but wives cannot obey Christ without yielding obedience to their husbands.”

3) How does Paul instruct husbands to love their wives? (Consider, from Calvin: “No man can love himself without loving his wife. Therefore, the man who does not love his wife is a monster.”)

4) How is marriage a picture of the Gospel of Jesus Christ? If you’re married, how you can love your spouse in a way that displays a picture of the love of Christ?