Isaiah 23
Sermon Notes:
1) Loving money leads to sadness when it departs, 1-8, 14
2) Loving money can lead to pride, which always precedes a fall, 9-14
3) Loving money is not the unforgiveable sin, but it’s hard to shake, 15-18
4) Money belongs to God, and it will return to Him, 18.
Reflection questions:
1. Do you love money? Do you like it too much? Is it an idol in your life? Either because of what it allows you to buy? Or because of the sense of security it provides?
2. Read Luke 12:16-20. What do you think Jesus means when He talks about being “rich towards God”?
3. Read 1 Timothy 6:17-19. What does it mean to set your hope on the uncertainty of riches? Why are riches uncertain? And how can you be rich in good works? Also read 1 Tim. 6:6-12.