Confidence in Our Weakness

Luke 6:12–19

Sermon Notes

  1. Jesus doesn’t call the great, he calls the ordinary (v.12–16)
  2. And not based on their qualifications, but on his calling (v.12–19)
  3. It’s not our ability that makes us useful to him but instead our dependency (v.17–19)

Discussion questions

  1. Do you fear that your weaknesses are too great and that the get in the way of being best used by God?
  2. In what ways does current church culture in America give special attention to the “great”?
  3. How could an emphasis on “the greatest of these” in the church steal glory from God?
  4. Have you ever felt disqualified to serve God?
  5. How does this self-disqualification run in contradiction to God calling all of us to serve him (Romans 12, Eph. 4, 1 Cor. 12)?
  6. How could self-confidence keep us away from being dependent on God?
  7. If your prayer life was a measurement of your reliance on God, would you say you were more God-dependent or more self-sufficient?
  8. Explain to someone how your weakness could actually be an asset to God?
  9. How might a tendency to boast in our weakness affect our witness to not-yet- Christians?