Christ, Christians, and the Necessity of the Cross

Luke 9:18–26

Sermon Notes

  1. The Christ of God, 18–20
  2. The Christ of the Cross, 21–22
  3. The Servants of the Cross, 23–26

Reflection questions

  1. Judas Iscariot was present with Peter and Jesus during Peter’s great confession, v.20. What does Scripture tell us about those who confess Christ but later deny Him? See 1 John 2:19
  2. 1st-Century Israel wanted a king to free them from Roman occupation. (See John 6:14–15) They wanted Messiah to conquer by force instead of conquering by suffering (v22). In what ways do you seek to avoid suffering (which Christ says is inevitable for Christians) in this life?
  3. Reflect on your own (or discuss, if you’re with a group) what this quote means: “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” (Jim Elliot) And if you don’t already know his life story, Google Jim Elliot.