Denials, Mockings, and a Mockery of a Trial

Luke 22:54-71

Sermon Notes

1) The Follower who Fails, 54-62

2) The Mob who Mocks, 63-65

3) The Son who Awaits His Sentence (and His Seat of Power), 66-71

Reflection questions:

1. Consider this quote: “You don’t know Christ is all you need until Christ is all you have.” (source unknown) How does Peter’s failure and restoration (following his unfounded self-confidence) illustrate this? How have you experienced this truth in your own life?

2. How do the sufferings and humiliation of Christ comfort you? Consider the following passages Psalm 22 (especially v.24) and Hebrews 2:14-18; 4:15-16.

3. How does the exaltation of Christ comfort you? Consider Revelation 21:1-5.