Giving the People What They Want

Luke 23:1-25

Sermon Notes:

1) The Will of Herod, 4-11

2) The Will of Pilate, 1-7, 11-16

3) The Will of the Mob, 16-25

4) The Will of the Lord, Isaiah 53

Reflection questions:

1. Should we always assume that what we want is the same thing that God wants for us? See Psalm 37:4; Jeremiah 17:9; Proverbs 16:9

2. How does Barabbas show us a picture of the gospel even if we can’t assume that Barabbas ever believed the gospel? See 2 Cor. 5:21.

3. As we continue to look at the final week of Jesus’s life, how do you see the prophecies of Is 53 fulfilled in the life of Jesus?