The Great Commission, According to Luke

Luke 24:36-49

Sermon Notes

1. Peace, 36-39

2. Proof, 38-48

3. Power to Proclaim, 45-49

Reflection questions:

1. Were the disciples’ circumstances peaceful? (See John 20:19) How is that Jesus was able to pronounce peace to them during this time? (Consider John 16:33 and 14:27)

2. Why did the disciples need more proof of the Resurrection? What promises of God are you struggling to believe? Do you ever worry that God is disappointed in you because you have doubts? What word you use to describe God’s actions towards these doubters who should’ve known better?

3. Does Jesus still want us to wait (v49 – “stay”) until we proclaim the message of repentance and forgiveness of sins? Or has the promise “power from on high” been fulfilled? See Acts (Luke’s 2nd volume), specifically Acts 2.