Final Instructions to the Church

Luke 24:50-53

Sermon Notes:

1) An Evangelistic Benediction, 50

2) A Dramatic Exaltation, 51

3) A Doxologic Jubilation, 52

4) An Enduring Association, 53


Reflection Questions:

1.       Christ blesses his disciples in vv. 50-51. Read Numbers 6:22-27 for background on how God blesses His people through His priests and compare to Psalm 67. How does God bless us, and what effect should it have on us?

2.       The immediate response to Christ’s ascension was to worship God with great joy. While the Bible has much to say about worship, what do the following passages show you about what our worship should look like – either internally (in terms of our attitude) or externally (what we should express)? Hebrews 12:18-29; Psalm 2:11-12.

3.       Fellowship (worshipping continually in the temple) is a minor note in this passage, but what more does Luke say about it in his second volume, Acts 2:42-47? Are you experiencing less fellowship with God’s people during this time? Do you miss it, or have you not realized how much you miss it and need it?