Worship Deeper - Worship, Connect, Serve Deeper - Part 1

Romans 11:33-36; Psalms 1, 84, 119, 121, 136

Sermon Notes:

1) Recognition – Recognize His Worth, Rom 11:33-36.

2) Preparation – Preparing for Worship, Psalms 120-134.

3) Participation – Participate in Worship, Psalm 136.

4) Rumination – Ruminate upon Sunday’s worship, Psalm 1.

5) Anticipation – Anticipate the next Holy Day, Ps 84.

Reflection Questions:

1. Why is God worth your worship? See Romans 11:33-36; 12:1-2; 16:25-27.

2. What’s one way you can prepare for worship this year?

3. What’s one way you can participate in worship this year?

4. What’s one way you can ruminate or meditate upon worship this year?

5. What truth can you anticipate learning more deeply next Sunday and the next?